API Documentation





The DruxtRouter component renders a Drupal decoupled route, or path, using the appropriate Druxt component.

For instance, using the path /node/1 would render a DruxtEntity component.

The Vue router path will be used if not path is defined.


ComponentOptions : Array.<array>

Provides the available naming options for the Wrapper component.

PropsData : object

Provides property data for use in the Wrapper component.

ScopedSlots : object

Provides scoped slots for use in the Wrapper component.


The DruxtRouter component renders a Drupal decoupled route, or path, using the appropriate Druxt component.

For instance, using the path /node/1 would render a DruxtEntity component.

The Vue router path will be used if not path is defined.

Example (Render using the Vue router path)

<DruxtRouter />

Example (Render a specified path)

<DruxtRouter path="/node/1" />

Example (Render the result of the model, bypasses Drupal backend)

<DruxtRouter v-model="route" />

Example (DruxtRouter Wrapper component boilerplate)

  <DruxtDebug :json="route" />

import { DruxtRouterMixin } from 'druxt-router'
export default {
  mixins: [DruxtRouterMixin]

Example (DruxtRouter with template injection)

  <template #default="{ route }">
    <!-- Do whatever you want here -->
    <DruxtDebug :json="route" open />


Kind: static property of DruxtRouter

.path : string

The Decoupled router path.

If not set, the Vue router value will be used instead.

Kind: static property of props

<DruxtRouter path="/node/1" />

.value : object

The Router object, used to determine the resolved route component.

Setting this value will bypass the JSON:API.

Kind: static property of props


The resource langcode.

Kind: static property of props

<DruxtRouter langcode="en" />


The Router object, used to determine the resolved route component.

Setting this value will bypass the JSON:API.

Kind: static property of props


The wrapper component configuration.

Used to set the wrapper component, class, style and propsData.

Kind: static property of props

    component: 'MyWrapper',
    class: 'wrapper',
    propsData: { foo: 'bar' }


Kind: static property of DruxtRouter

.module : string

The route module.

Kind: static property of computed

.route : object

The route object.

Kind: static property of computed

.title : boolean | string

Route title.

Kind: static property of computed
Default: false

.props : object | string

Route component property data.

Kind: static property of computed
Default: false


Kind: static property of DruxtRouter


Re-fetch on update to Path prop.

Kind: static method of watch


DruxtModule settings

Kind: static property of DruxtRouter


Druxt development template tool configuration.

Kind: static property of druxt

.componentOptions(context) ⇒ ComponentOptions

Provides the available component naming options for the Druxt Wrapper.

Kind: static method of druxt

contextobjectThe module component ViewModel.


Fetch the decoupled route.

Kind: static method of druxt

.propsData(context) ⇒ PropsData

Provides propsData for the DruxtWrapper.

Kind: static method of druxt

contextobjectThe module component ViewModel.

.slots() ⇒ ScopedSlots

Provides the scoped slots object for the Module render function.

  • debug: A Debug component with a Path override field.
  • default: Default error handling.

Kind: static method of druxt
Returns: ScopedSlots - The Scoped slots object.
Example (DruxtRouterModule.vue)

    <slot name="debug" />
    {{ route.props }}


Nuxt middleware; gets and sets the current route, and processes redirects.

This can be disabled by setting the druxt.router.middleware option to false in nuxt.config.js

Kind: static method of DruxtRouter

export default {
  druxt: {
    router: {
      middleware: false


Kind: static method of DruxtRouter

modelobjectThe model object.

Nuxt head method.

  • Sets the page title.
  • Sets the canonical link.

Kind: static method of DruxtRouter

  • Improve metatag support.

ComponentOptions : Array.<array>

Provides the available naming options for the Wrapper component.

Kind: global typedef


Example (Entity route)


PropsData : object

Provides property data for use in the Wrapper component.

Kind: global typedef

pathstringThe route path.
routeobjectThe Decoupled Router object.


  path: '/',
  route: {
    canonical: 'https://demo-api.druxtjs.org/en/node',
    component: 'druxt-view',
    error: false,
    isHomePath: true,
    jsonapi: {},
    label: 'Home',
    props: {},
    redirect: false,
    resolvedPath: '/en/node',
    type: 'views',

ScopedSlots : object

Provides scoped slots for use in the Wrapper component.

Kind: global typedef

debugfunctionA Debug component with a Path override field.
defaultfunctionDefault error handling.

Example (DruxtRouterModule.vue)

    <slot name="debug" />
    {{ route.props }}