API Documentation



DruxtEntityForm ⇐ DruxtEntity

The DruxtEntityForm component renders a Drupal Content Entity edit form by JSON:API resource type, UUID, view mode and schema type.

Fields are rendered as DruxtField components, based on the Drupal display mode configuration.

Extends: DruxtEntity
See: DruxtEntity


Example (DruxtEntityForm Wrapper component boilerplate)

  <DruxtDebug :json="entity" />

import { DruxtEntityMixin } from 'druxt-entity'
export default {
  mixins: [DruxtEntityMixin]

Example (DruxtEntityForm with template injection)

<DruxtEntityForm type="">
  <template #default="{ entity }">
    <!-- Do whatever you want here -->
    <DruxtDebug :json="entity" />


Reset event handler:

  • Sets model back to entity value.
  • Unsets response data.
  • Emits reset.

Kind: instance method of DruxtEntityForm


Submit event handler:

  • Sends data to backend via POST or PATCH.
  • Catches errors.
  • Emits submit or error event.

Kind: instance method of DruxtEntityForm


Kind: static property of DruxtEntityForm
See: DruxtEntity


Vue.js Properties.

Kind: static property of DruxtEntityForm

.schemaType : 'view' | 'form'

Drupal display schema type, 'view' or 'form'.

Kind: static property of props
Default: form


The resource langcode.

Kind: static property of props

<DruxtEntityForm langcode="en" />


The module component model value.

Used to bypass the Drupal JSON:API fetch, setting the module data directly.

Kind: static property of props

<DruxtEntityForm v-model="{ foo: bar }" />


The wrapper component configuration.

Used to set the wrapper component, class, style and propsData.

Kind: static property of props

    component: 'MyWrapper',
    class: 'wrapper',
    propsData: { foo: 'bar' }


Drupal display mode.

Kind: static property of props


Module settings object.

Kind: static property of props


JSON:API resource type.

Kind: static property of props


Entity UUID.

Kind: static property of props


Vue.js Computed properties.

Kind: static property of DruxtEntityForm

.errors ⇒ Array.<object>

An array of errors if present in the form submission response data.

Kind: static property of computed


Vue.js Data object.

Kind: static method of DruxtEntityForm

responseobjectThe form submission response data.
submittingbooleanWhether the form is currently being submitted.